Page 15 - NASPAL_Final
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“It is envisioned that with the

 successful  implementation

 of  all  key  strategies  and

 policy options in the National

 Strategic Plan for Active

 Living, Malaysia will have a

 well informed population who

 is able to take responsibility   PHYSICAL ACTIVITY :

 for their own health by being   OUR VALUABLE

 physically active.”

 Dato’ Seri Dr. Chen Chaw Min
 Secretary General Ministry of Health Malaysia

           Regular physical activity of moderate
           intensity - such as walking, cycling, or
           doing sports - has significant benefits for
           health. At all ages, the benefits of being
           physically active outweigh potential harm,
           for example through accidents. Some
           physical activity is better than doing none.
           By becoming more active throughout the
           day in relatively simple ways, people can
           quite easily achieve the recommended
           activity levels.

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