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                                                                                                     Global Action Plan for the Prevention
                                                                                                     & Control of NCD 2013-2020

                                                                                                     The current situation of the world shows
                                                                                                     an increase burden of non-communicable
 Sustainable Development Goals                                                                       diseases such as diabetes, hypertension,
 (SDG) 2030                                                                                          cancer and obesity. In this regard, the World
                                                                                                     Health Organisation (WHO) provides Global
 SDG 2030 also known as Agenda 2030,                                                                 Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of
 contains 17 goals, 169 targets and 231                                                              NCD 2013-2020 to secure the commitment
 monitored indicators. Goal 3 (good health                                                           of the countries to address the issue of non-
 and wellbeing) is a health agenda.                                                                  communicable diseases.
                                                                                                      This action plan contains nine global targets
                                                                                                     to be achieved, including 25% reduction in
                                                                                                     premature death from cardiovascular disease,
                                                                                                     cancer, diabetes or chronic respiratory illness
                                                                                                     by 2025.

                                                                                              GLOBAL 2025 TARGET                GLOBAL 2025 TARGET
                                                                                              TOBACCO                           25%
                                                                                              30%                             RELATIVE REDUCTION
                                                                                                                               IN RISK OF PREMATURE
                                                                                                                              MORTALITY FROM
                                                                                              REDUCTION                       CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES,
                                                                                                                               CANCER, DIABETES, OR ChRONIC
                                                                                                                              RESPIRATORY DISEASE

                                                                  GLOBAL 2025 TARGET             GLOBAL 2025 TARGET              GLOBAL 2025 TARGET
                                                                  PhYSICAL                       RAISED BLOOD                     DIABETES/
                                                                  10%                            25%                               0%
                                                                   REDUCTION                     REDUCTION                         INCREASE

                                                                                                GLOBAL 2025 TARGET              GLOBAL 2025 TARGET
                                  GLOBAL 2025 TARGET              GLOBAL 2025 TARGET            80%                             50%
                                  hARMFUL                        SALT/SODIUM
                                  USE OF                         INTAKE                         AVAILABILITY                    OF ELIGIBLE
                                  ALCOhOL                                                       OF ESSENTIAL                    PEOPLE RECEIVING
                                                                                                                                DRUG ThERAPY
                                  10%                             30%                           AND BASIC                       AND COUNSELLING
                                                                                                                                TO PREVENT
                                                                                                TO TREAT CVD
                                                                                                                                AND STROKE
                                   REDUCTION                      REDUCTION                     TEChNOLOGIES                    hEART ATTACK
                                                                                                AND OThER NCDS

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