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What is Self-Image?

Self-image is the way you see yourself. It includes your:

  • Beliefs
  • Thoughts
  • Feelings

Ini adalah cara bagaimana kita berhubung dengan diri sendiri dan orang lain.

Komponen keterampilan diri termasuk:

  • Penampilan secara fizikal
  • Pandangan anda terhadap diri sendiri dan pandangan orang lain terhadap diri anda
  • Perasaan harga diri dan keyakinan diri

It is about how you relate to yourself and to others.

The components of self-image include:

  • Physical appearance
  • Perception of yourself and others
  • Sense of self-worth and confidence

How do you know if you do not have good self-image?

Without good self-image, you will be:

  • Ashamed of yourself
  • Less independent from your parents
  • Less eager to make friends
  • Fearful to have a relationship
  • More likely to degrade yourself
  • Harming your body. Examples: smoking, self-medicating and excessive dieting

What if you do not do anything about it?

Not doing anything will:

  • Affect your self-esteem and confidence
  • Impair your social relationship
  • Make you sad
  • Lead you to fail as an adult

How can you improve it?

Do the following:

  • Make a list of things you like and dislike about yourself
  • Strengthen your likes and improve your dislikes
  • Adopt positive thinking
  • Practice a healthy lifestyle
  • Accept criticism as useful comments

Where can you get help?

You should seek advice from your:

  • Parents
  • Trusted family members
  • Counselors
  • Religious teachers


Seek professional advice from:

  • Psychologists
  • Psychiatrists
Last Reviewed : 20 April 2012
Writer : Prof. Madya. Dr. Mohd Jamil bin Yaacob
Reviewer : Pn. Shahidah Bt. Mohamed Makki


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