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Elderly People (Geriatric) X-ray Examination

Elderly patient (geriatric) X-ray examination is an examination that involves elderly patients aged 65 years old and above

What Is Elderly Patient (Geriatric) X-ray Examination?

  • Elderly patient (geriatric) X-ray examination is an examination that involves elderly patients aged 65 years old and above
  • Geriatric is a Greek word which means ‘old person’ (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geriatrics).
  • Elderly citizens are always burdened with various type of chronic illness such as heart problem, cancer, and also stroke (http://www.hkrta.50g.com/Academicdoc/Geriatric.pdf).

How And Where Can I Get This Examination?

  • When you visit your doctor, he/she will decide if you require the examination.
  • If required, the doctor will make a request for the examination using the Radiology Examination Request Form.
  • This examination is available in MoH hospitals.

When Is Elderly Patient (Geriatric) X-ray Examination Required?

Indications for elderly patient (geriatric) X-ray examination are: (http://www.cccnj.edu/uploadedFiles/ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2628843/):

  • Respiratory system problems.
  • Digestive system problems.
  • Problems related to upper and lower limb joint infection.
  • Cardiovascular system problems.
  • Hepatic system problems.
  • Genitourinary system problems.
  • Musculoskeletal system problems.
  • Neurologic system problems.

geriatrik_1a geriatrik_1b

Picture 1 : X-ray images of the hip and knee joints of geriatric patient

Source : http://www.cccnj.edu/uploadedFiles/

Before the examination

  • The radiographer will explain the examination. Accompanying person is allowed to listen to the radiographer’s explanation.
  • Make sure you or the accompanying person are not pregnant or suspected to be pregnant. Please inform the radiographer if you are pregnant or suspected to be pregnant.
  • Patient need to take out metal object such as watch and bangles on the hand to avoid image artifact.
  • Radiographer will also explain whether the examination will be done in lying facing up, lying facing down or siting position.
  • Patient may also be required to change into hospital attire if needed.
  • Practice for breathing technique will also be given if necessary.

During the examination

  • Patient is advised not to move during the examination.
  • Breathing instruction may be required.
  • Patient need to give full cooperation during the examination to avoid repeat examination.
  • Immobilizers may also be used if necessary.

After the examination

  • No special after care is required.
  • Patient will be allowed leave after the examination.
  • If you have any problem, please inform the radiographer on duty.

Examination Report

All images produced will be reviewed by radiologist and report will be prepared.


  1. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geriatrics
  2. www.cccnj.edu/uploadedFiles
  3. www.hkrta.50g.com/Academicdoc/Geriatric.pdf
  4. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2628843/
  5. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19155363


Last Review : 28 July 2017
Writer : Mary Oommen
Accreditor : Daud bin Ismail

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