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Ear, Nose & Throat ( +30 )

Radiotherapy is an option that normally applied in cancer treatment. Chemotherapy usually employs anti-cancer drugs ...
Myringoplasty is a surgical procedure to repair a perforated eardrum ...
Middle ear effusion is the accumulation of fluid behind the eardrum ...
A preauricular sinus is a small opening or pit adjacent to the external ear. It is a congenital malformation that present at birth. Also known as a congenital auricular fistula, a congenital preauricular fistula, an ear pit or a preauricular cyst, usually becomes more apparent later in life ...
Why Can’t I Smell Durian? (Loss of Sense of Smell) Introduction The loss of sense of smell occurs when there are problems in the nasal cavity, nasal structure, olfactory nerve (neural system responsible for the sense of smell) or a problem in the brain. Most of us have experienced a ...
Keloid is a sharply elevated, irregularly shaped, progressively enlarging scar, due to excessive collagen formation in the process of tissue repair and wound healing. They may occur anywhere on our body. They most commonly developed on the earlobes, arms, pelvic region and chest ...
Voice is said to be disordered when voice quality in aspects of pitch and loudness change from the habitual voice quality. The voice is categorized as disordered when the speaker complains of discomfort or pain during singing or talking ...
Voice is produced by the vibration of the vocal folds which the air from the lungs is coming through the opening and closing of the vocal folds ...
Have you ever experienced hoarseness? Do you feel the hoarseness is sexy? Did you know that hoarseness can be an indication about the health of your vocal cords? ...
Typically an individual who have a swallowing disorder will have difficulties in chewing or swallowing food or liquid ...
Retrocochlear disorder is a disorder occurring at the central or neural nerve that causes hearing impairment. Among the causes of retrocochlear disorder include infections, tumors, head trauma, inflammation, vascular disorders and neurological problem. Diagnosis of a retrocochlear disorder usually involve the presence of a tumour like an acoustic neuroma etc ...
Tinnitus is a sound that present in the ear without external sound stimulation. It can be heard in one ear, both ears, or in the head. In general, tinnitus is known as a ringing sound that can be perceived continuous or intermittently. Tinnitus can occur across all age groups but, only 0.5 to 2% of cases are significantly affected ...
Voice is one the important elements of speech. Some people are not too concern on how the voice is produced unless it will affect the conveyed message. ...
Post-Lingual Hearing Loss is a deafness which develops after the acquisition of speech and language. It can occur gradually or with sudden onset hearing loss. ...
Many patients with cancer of the throat (larynx) are concerned to have total laryngtectomy surgery. They thought that they would never be able to speak after the surgery. ...
Introduction Nasal bone fracture or broken nose is one of the commonest facial bones injuries. It is occurs when there is a break or crack of the nasal bone due to direct trauma to the nose. In most cases, there is also fracture of the nasal septum, the inner partition ...
Introduction Epistaxis is a bleeding from the nose.It occurs due to the torn blood vessel in the nose. Usually it is mild and self limiting and can be treated at home, however it can be severe and life threatening that requires medical care Anatomy The Nasal cavity is lined by ...
Nearly 1.8% of young adults and 30% of elderly individuals in the population have dizziness (Sloan et al. 2001). Vertigo, a spinning sensation, is usually associated with problems in the vestibular and balance organs. The vestibular and balance organs in the inner ear are consisted of semicircular canals and otolithic ...
Introduction Rhinitis is an inflammation of the nose. Its characterized by runny nose, itching, sneezing and nasal congestion. It is divided into acute and chronic rhinitis. Acute rhinitis when the symptom less than 1 month. Examples are infective rhinitis like influenza or sensitive nose when expose to perfumes or chemical ...
What are sinuses? Sinuses are air-filled spaces in the skull which is lines by membranes. These membranes will produce a thin secretion to trap dirt particles and keep the nasal passages moist. What is sinusitis? Sinusitis is a condition where infection or inflammation of the membranes that line the sinuses ...
Snoring is defined as breathing during sleep with hoarse or harsh sounds as caused by the vibration of the soft palate through the open mouth and the nose when asleep. Is Snoring Common? It is recognized that snoring is common, occurring in about 40% of the adult population, but estimates ...
Introduction Allergic rhinitis is an overreaction of the immune system(body defense system that often helps in protecting your body from non infectious inhaled particles) to the allergen. Allergen is any substance that can trigger allergic reaction. Types of allergens : aeroallergen(inhalen) : molds, pollen, animal dander and fungus food allergen ...
Introduction A feeling of burning or squeezing pain while swallowing. This sensation may be felt high in the neck or lower down, behind the breastbone (sternum). Alternative name : Odynophagia Burning feeling while swallowing Signs & symptoms Swallowing is a complex act that involves the mouth, throat area, and esophagus ...
Introduction Discharge from the ear canal and most commonly associated with infection. Normal discharge may be ear wax or water. Ear wax is light brown brown, dark brown, or orange brown in color. Main causes of abnormal discharge is an infection with drainage of cloudy fluid or pus through a ...
Introduction Earache is mainly due to problems in either the outer ear (from the earlobe to the eardrum) or the middle ear (behind the eardrum). In some cases, problems in the throat or the mouth, such as infection of the throat (tonsillitis, pharyngitis). Tumour of the throat can also cause ...
Introduction Foreign body is often accidentally inserted, swallowed or aspirated/inhaled and is not common in adult. Foreign body can accidentally inhaled/aspirated and stuck in the airways and lung. This is most dangerous situation and require urgent medical attention. Foreign body can accidentally swallowed and stuck either in the throat or ...
Introduction What is vocal cord? Is the structure in the larynx that will close and vibrate during vocalisation/phonation (produce voice/swallowing) and open during breathing. Voice box or vocal cord is located in your throat. It has 3 functions that is for : Airway (breathing) Prevent aspiration (protect the lungs) Vocalization ...
Introduction A ruptured tympanic membrane or eardrum that has a tear or hole in it. The ear drum separates the outer ear from delicate structures of the middle ear and protecting it from cold, wind and ear wax. It receives vibrating sound waves and transmits them to the tiny bones ...
Introduction Sleep apnea is a condition that occurs when a person regularly stop breathing during sleep.Each episodes of stop breathing may take 10 seconds or longer. It can be classified as mild, moderate, or severe, based on the number of apnea and slowed breathing (hypopnea) per hour. Apnea episodes may ...
Introduction Most of hearing loss in adult are acquired. Definition It is defined as inability of a person to hear in one or both ears. There are three type of hearing loss : Conductive hearing loss - Hearing loss due to disease of external and / or middle ear. Sensorineural ...
Introduction A hearing aid is an electronic, battery-operated device that amplifies and changes sound to allow better hearing and improved communication. Component of Hearing aid and how it works Hearing aid consist of four main parts : Microphone Amplifier Earphone/speaker Battery : power each electronic parts Hearing aids receive sound ...
Introduction Tinnitus for what everyone call "ringing in the ears" is a symptom of hearing a sound which originates in the head in the absence of any perceivable external sound. It means ringing, but is used to describe sounds that are buzzing, roaring, pulsatile, or clicking in nature. The sound ...
INTRODUCTION Tonsil ; sub-epithelial lymphoid tissue in the oropharyngeal part of our throat. Two in number. Ovoid mass in lateral wall of oropharynx between anterior & posterior pillars. Actual size bigger than it appears as it extends upward to soft palate, downwards to base of tongue & anteriorly into palatoglossal ...

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Introduction Rhinitis is an inflammation of the nose. Its characterized


Introduction Earache is mainly due to problems in either the


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